Bride Valley News

January 2001


Church Service Times
From The Clergy
Main BVN menu Church Calender - This month
Valley Notes - all the other 'whats on' bits
Burton Bradstock - The Church + other village organisations
Shipton Gorge
Puncknowle & West Bexington
Litton Cheney
Long Bredy
Thought for the Month
Diary of Events for all Parishes - This month - check it out

St Mary's Burton Bradstock FROM THE CLERGYSt Mary's Litton Cheney

I write at the beginning of December, with all the Christmas services and concerts and carol singing around the villages yet to come. We are fortunate in the Valley to have so many musicians, young and older, to add to the quality of our worship, at Christmas time and throughout the year. We have the advantage of organs, pianos, keyboards, violins, guitars and melodeon, recorders, flutes and percussion, and people to play them. Traditionalists don't always approve of such accompaniment, preferring the organ. But real traditionalists recall the gallery choirs and musicians of yesteryear, before even the smallest church in the land thought it should have an organ and surpliced choir.

What joy in clarinets, serpents and bass viols! Yes, and even in barrel organs, that would play two-and-twenty new psalm-tunes, so exact and particular that, however sinful inclined you was, you could play nothing but psalm-tunes whatsoever' (Hardy).

Half our Valley churches have no 'appointed' or 'habitual' organist, yet many organists play our eight organs for services and we are most grateful to them. Burton Bradstock has seen no successor to Jim Wilmot for fifteen months now. Organists willing to commit themselves to choosing music, planning and playing at services and training choirs are in very short supply.

It may be thought that this situation only afflicts small rural churches, or that we are not searching hard enough. A recent article in the Church Times highlighted the situation. In one diocese 47% of churches, and in one rural deanery 70% of churches, had no organist. In a survey of two dioceses and 316 churches 70% of the organists were aged over 51, with as many over 80 as aged 31 to 35.

So rota organists very kindly help out, some playing at a number of churches each Sunday. Thankfully the number of 'reluctant organists' has soared. There has been a dramatic increase, too, in the number of young organists taking organ Grade examinations over the past fifty years, but they disappear into further education and different commitments.

The author of the 'Church Times' article, Martin Freke, Senior Lecturer and Director of Music in the University of the West of England, Bristol, made this his Ph.D. research. He suggests that if the situation is to improve, more commitment and encouragement is required. Churches need to look among their pews for future players, in a planned strategy of bringing on new organists, encouraging pianists to consider a 'conversion' course, or organ lessons, at the churches' expense. Many excellent courses and training events are available. His article ends, 'Unless churches start to help themselves, the kind of "pipe v. electronic instrument" debate that so frequently appears in the press will be an irrelevance. There will, quite simply, be no one left to play either.'

So rejoice in those who do play the organ for us; and in the skills of all our musicians; but watch out you may be asked to be the next reluctant organist!

Pam and I wish all our readers a very Happy New Year, and, to those who count differently, a Happy New Millennium.

John Atkinson



I send my New Year Greetings also, and confirm that FRIDAY is now my day off (not Monday, as previously).

Anthony Ashwell


APOLOGIES, APOLOGIES : Two very kind individuals have lent me two special items to browse through. I have now done this but just cannot remember who the lenders were! Please if you are the owner of:-

1. 'The Image of Christ' exhibition catalogue,

2. 'Jaguar the Racing History' video, do get in touch (482302) and I'll let you have your possession back, with thanks.

Anthony Ashwell


Church Calender

January 2001

1 The Naming & Circumcision of Jesus. Luke 2, v.15-21.

2 Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus,

Bishops & Teachers.

6 The Epiphany. Matthew 2, v.1-12.

7 The First Sunday of Epiphany.

The Baptism of Christ. Luke 3. v.15 - 17, 21-22

10 William Laud, Bishop .

11 Mary Slessor, Missionary.

12 Aelred of Hexham, Religious.

Benedict Bishop, Religious

13 Hilary of Poitiers, Bishop and Teacher

Kentigerm, Missionary.

George Fox, Quaker

14 The Second Sunday of Epiphany.

17 Antony of Egypt, Religious, c.251

Charles Gore, Bishop

18 The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - until 25th.

19 Wulfstan, Bishop.

20 Richard Rolle of Hampole, Spiritual Writer.

21 The Third Sunday of Epiphany.

22 Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon & Martyr.

24 Francis de Sales, Bishop & Teacher.

25 The Conversion of Paul. Acts 9, v.1-22.

26 Timothy and Titus, Companions of Paul.

2.Timothy 2, v.1-8. Titus 1, v. 1 - 5

28 The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany.

30 Charles, King and Martyr.

31 John Bosco, Religious

Rosemary Earnshaw




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Valley Notes


The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity A short service will be held at St Mary's, Burton Bradstock on Friday 19th January at 2.30 pm as part of the week arranged by Churches Together in Bridport and District. All who wish to attend, from the Valley or beyond, will be most welcome.

Bible Study House Group


We shall be completing our look at Micah to start with, then showing in 2 parts the video of the highly acclaimed film 'The Miracle Maker'. During the first session of the latter, we shall also be looking into our Lent course, beginning on 7th March.

Dates Venues Topics

17th January Fir Tree Cottage, Shipton Gorge Micah Session 6

24th January The Rectory, Litton Cheney Micah Session 6

31st January Fir Tree Cottage, Shipton Gorge * The Miracle Maker, part 1

7th February The Old Rectory, Litton Cheney * The Miracle Maker, part 1

(* plus discussion on Lent course)

14th February Westfield, Shipton Lane, BB The Miracle Maker, part 2

21st February Hillside, West Bexington The Miracle Maker, part 2

28th February Ash Wednesday

Burton Bradstock School

Last July I had two conversations that fizzed around in my head over the summer holidays and coalesced into a gloriously unlikely plan. One was with Chris Huxley who runs Bridport Arts Centre. He explained that he was looking for a project involving local schools and expressive arts and that he had funding available through lottery bids. Chris is a real asset to our area and I always enjoy his thinking, especially when the word 'funding' comes into it.

The second was with one of my dads, Billy Bragg. We were talking about how he and his splendid beat combo, The Blokes, could contribute to local schools. They are a talented group with much experience of performing music from around the World.

At the time I was looking for a way that the Bridport Cluster of Village Schools could promote the meaningful exploration of other cultures, an area often neglected in rural West Dorset. The schools had agreed to pool a special grant of £2000 each, provided to promote closer co-operation between small school staff and children.

I met with Billy and his band at the Arts Centre and we brainstormed possibilities. I already had the beginnings of a plan to link all Bridport schools with schools in other countries using computers to enable children from different cultures to work together on a song-writing project. The band was full of enthusiasm and ideas and I took confidence from them to press forward with my planning.

Over the Autumn I bounced ideas round with many different people, at the same time mastering the art of E-mailing, and finally arrived at a costed plan. I took this to Dorset Education Directorate representatives who agreed the funding and, more nervously to Bridport teachers who, much to my relief enthusiastically endorsed it.

So, here we are in January 2001, Each Bridport Primary School has now been assigned a country, The Gambia, India or Chile. Shortly they will be introduced to a primary school in that country. Musicians in those countries will be working with their children enabling them to explore their tradition and history. Volunteers, including Tim and David Linford from Burton will visit these schools armed with laptops, digital sound and vision recording equipment and cell-phones and connect them with our schools. The same musicians will visit Bridport to kick-start the song writing with our children and staff. They return in June along with Billy and The Blokes. For one week these fine musicians will fuse the music and words of the children from these diverse cultures to shrink the world and celebrate their and our tradition and heritage. At the end of this week we are going to hold an open-air concert with the bands and 2000 children celebrating and performing their songs!

I'll keep you posted!

Happy New Year

David Powell

100 Club Winners

£20 Mrs Lipscombe

£10 L Bongers

£5 R.Varndell

Thorner's School, Litton Cheney

Happy New Year to everyone, not quite the same as the celebrations for the new millennium was it? What are your resolutions for the coming year? Have they come and gone already? Last year I set myself the task of taking up some exercise, and with the help of a few pupils..who kept asking me, I have been able to keep that resolution (well almost anyway), of swimming weekly. I have even taken up squash again after a number of years so pupils of Thorner's keep reminding me and I will hopefully be able to report this time next year that I am still swimming.

Hopefully you have all enjoyed the Christmas Holiday, meeting up with and spending quality time with friends and family, this is the thing which I look forward to every year. It is great to be able to catch up on all those memories, especially the photographs taken during the summer holidays!!!!

I wonder how those new toys are bearing up, did Father Christmas provide the correct toys or are there some which have not been played with. It is surprising that on one day each year we can actually find new presents to give people and children in general. I have this theory that it is all a con and not children who start the panic buying of certain items but the big manufacturing companies who send some of their own people out to buy and start the craze. I must admit that I do not and never have spent a lot on new toys at Christmas just to please my children; also I was positive that I was not going to spend extra money on designer names. I do not think that it has mattered, material things do not stand up to the test of time, what is more important and is still relevant when those toys are broken or discarded is that you are there as parent and friend, guiding, encouraging, listening and talking. I feel that you are the most important thing you can give your children and knowing that you are there in times of trouble will help them to live their lives to the full. Spending quality time with your children must be seen as top priority, they are with you for such a short space of time before they go off into the world on their own. If they are to make the most of situations a good grounding will enable them to compare and make better decisions. This does not just start when they are in secondary school or leaving home to go off to college etc. It does not mean letting them do what they want when they want but giving them the correct values and discipline as well as setting a good example. Family life should be valued from the day of birth, we don't just have children so they can look after us in old age. Take pride in the way they are growing up and becoming independent, take an interest in their lives, widen their experiences not just today but every day. At the start of this New Year make the effort (and I know what an effort it can be at times, with so many other pressures around), have a fresh attempt at having a positive effect on your child's life throughout the year. You will not reap the benefits immediately; it will not always be evident but it will be worth all the effort in the end. Best of luck.

Alison Johnstone Headteacher.




Despite the appalling weather during the first two weeks of November our Valley was only just over £100 below last year's record total at £1840.13.

A big thank you to all my dedicated collectors who braved the elements to knock on your doors and thank you so much to all who gave so generously whether it was at the door or in the "local" or down at the shop.

A further cheque of £450 was received from our Women's Section being the sum raised at the Band Concert and Coffee Morning. Well done ladies your fund raising is deeply appreciated by the Legion.

Wasn't it wonderful to see young and old joined in the Act of Remembrance this year? Those words "For our tomorrow they gave their today" immediately sprang to mind. All money from the Poppy Appeal goes to the Legion's Benevolent Fund to help others and it is so very relevant today in the 21st Century. Did you know that 20-30% of our homeless are ex-Service, mostly aged between 40-60 and single. Most ex-Army nearly half having served in Northern Ireland. The Legion works closely with them and the Charities to find long-term solutions to their problems.

Thanks again to all of you for your support.

John Ivall

Bride Valley Poppy Appeal Organiser.

A Message from Sylvia Lipscomb

My family and I would like to say thank you for all the cards and other messages of sympathy that we have received since the death of my dear husband Vic. The love and warmth shown to us has been a great comfort at this sad time and your friendship is a continued support to me.

Have you any smallish earthenware (not plastic) flowerpots that you can spare? We would welcome them for a daycare project starting in January. If so please could you phone Anna Ashwell 482302.

Bride Valley Gardening Club

A happy new year to all our members. The first meeting of the new year will be a lecture by Mrs Anne Stevens on "Trees & Shrubs for Every Garden". The monthly competition will be for any item you have grown, and there will be a small prize for the winner. This will be held on Monday 8th January at 7.30 pm at Thorner's School.

John Rowlands




The next meeting is on Wednesday 10th January at 8.00 pm, at the home of Margaret Milree, Foxstones, Swyre. The speaker will be Valery Shepherd talking about "Life in a University". New members are always welcome.


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BURTON BRADSTOCK St Mary's Burton Bradstock

Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent

2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125

Mid Week Worship - Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. followed by coffee in the Rectory

Choir Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m.

Gift Sunday 21st January Bridport Youth for Christ

The next Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be held on Friday 2nd February at 11 am. There will be no Tiny Tots service in January.

The next Healing Services at St Mary's will be held on Wednesdays 3rd January, 7th February and 7th March each at 7 pm.


Funerals 27th November Allen C. T. Hawkins

1st December Victor A. Lipscomb

1st December Michael J. G. Pattinson

Celebrate the New Millennium! New Year's Eve / New Year's Day:

On Sunday 31st December at 11.15 pm - a short New Year's Eve Service in church.

On Monday 1st January at 12 noon - a short New Year's Day Service in church.

The Feast of The Epiphany Saturday 6th January. There will be a celebration of Holy Communion (traditional order, said) at St Mary's at 11 am.

The Parochial Church Council next meets on Monday 5th February, in church at 7 pm.

The Burton Bradstock Millennium 'Book' makes progress but we need your help.

The Open Meeting held at the school on 22nd. November was generally voted a very successful evening by the sizeable number of villagers who attended (even two guests from Litton Cheney!).

Following a brief welcome and introduction by Tim Linford, they spent some time in small groups 'thumbing through the pages' by looking at the 'book' in some detail using nine or ten of the schools' computers kindly provided by David Powell. Thus everyone could 'have a go' and see for themselves the photographs, maps, articles and information etc. that have so far been compiled.

Having seen the very wide range of material already gathered, the participants spent some time discussing what else might be included to ensure the 'book' contained as much information on the village as possible, with particular emphasis on its history. Several offers were made to lend old photographs and documents (including some wartime photos), and a number of names were put forward as potential sources of stories of the village in days gone by. We would welcome any more suggestions and especially volunteers! Please don't be shy!

We will shortly be adding an article on village farming kindly written by Andrew Bailey, and with Chris Wilkinson's generous agreement, we plan to put onto the site all the photographs he brought together for that fascinating exhibition last summer.

David Powell mentioned that, with some financial help from the Parish Council and other village bodies, we are purchasing a new high quality mini-disc sound recorder (stereo) for the village. We plan to use it to interview as many of the original villagers as we can find, to record (with their permission and co-operation, of course,) their memories and stories of village life. The edited audio tapes will be linked to the 'book' with accompanying photos to give it even more interest. We might even add some video/film clips if we can get them.

It is hoped that the new recorder will be used by villagers to tape any local musical or significant events and some of these too, might be used to provide sound clips for the 'book'.

As mentioned above, we are most anxious to borrow any old photographs, books, press cuttings, old records/magazines/material, old maps, even sound or video tapes or film if you have them, old curiosities or anything else that is relevant to the village. We promise to take great care of them and return them in the same condition (after copying or photographing them). If you have anything (or even any ideas) please contact Ken Pett as soon as possible

Incidentally, we are very aware of the need to make it easy for all villagers to be able to look at our 'book' and have plans to provide centrally available access in the near future. As they say, 'watch this space'!

Ken Pett - Secretary to the Burton Bradstock Village Web Site Committee

Tel: 897 550

Burton Bradstock W.I.

64 members plus one guest were delightfully entertained by the Mountjoy School Handbell-ringers, after which the schoolchildren showed members some of their school work. Joan Dady was elected President for the year 2001 and a new committee formed. Our retiring president, Wendy Green, thanked the present committee for their support and help during her term of office.

Flower of the month was Jill Spinney's 'Kaffir Lily', and

100 Club winners were: Eva Sewell

Barbara Pursey

Ray Dady

Ron Young

Linda Leaf Tel. 425001


Burton Bradstock Playgroup

This month Audrey Smith steps down as Chair of Burton Bradstock Playgroup. Audrey has been involved with the playgroup for several years and she has done a huge amount of work for the pre-schoolers.

Whether it's answering queries to the inspectors, chasing up finances, or being Queen of the Cake Stalls, she has done it with 100% commitment and enthusiasm.

From all the families who have passed through the playgroup doors while you have been on board Audrey, a BIG thank you.

Tamsin Loudon

Burton Bradstock Village Society Friday 17th November 2000

The enthusiasm was infectious at the Burton Bradstock Village Society monthly meeting, as David Boag gave his talk on the 'Quiet Garden'.

David, both a writer and professional photographer, took us through a slide show bringing to life some of the indigenous plants & wildlife to be found in our gardens.

Did you know, for example, that the common daddy-long-legs is in fact one of sixty different crane flies found within the UK? That the collar dove was unheard of in Britain until recently as it only migrated to Europe in the last thirty-five years. There are some 600 species of spiders in the UK and only a very small percentage make webs. Woodland birds are encouraged into our gardens as autumn comes upon us in their search for food and whilst we can enjoy the daytime garden the night takes on a different dimension, as the hedgehogs, shrews, owls, rats, badgers and bats take over. After all, these are the real owners of our gardens.

The Quiet Garden was just one of four books David was commissioned to write. We hope that he will return in the not too distant future to share some of the magical moments of The Wild Coast, The Changing River or The Secret Wood.

Graham Hallewell



Burton Bradstock & Shipton Gorge Conservative Association

I am writing this note to remind all Association members and interested parties that as this year draws to a close, the Chairman and Secretary are about to retire from their respective offices and will, with a number of other committee members, resign from the Committee. This not news hot off the press since the intentions of those involved were made clear at the AGM in March. However, if the Association is to continue in these parts, it is vital that these positions are filled at the next AGM which will be held on 16th March, 2001. This is much closer than most of us would like to believe, so now is the time for aspiring officers and committee members to come forward, in which case please contact either Betty Palmer (secretary) on 897206 or Mike Conway (chairman) on 897009. We shall be sitting beside our telephones waiting for you to ring!

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SHIPTON GORGE St Martin's Shipton Gorge

Village Correspondent: Mrs.Joy White


3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge





Burial of Ashes 1st December Victor A. Lipscomb

Village Society

The Village Society would like to welcome new committee members, primarily to help organise events and raise funds to secure the future of this popular society. New members bring new ideas. Membership involves little more than five hours a year!

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th January 2001 at the New Inn - 7.00 p.m.

The Village Society would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Thank you all for your support in 2000. We look forward to seeing you at future events.


The Pre Christmas Get Together turned out to be a great success and was supported by over 90 villagers. It was especially nice to be able to welcome many of the newcomers to the village. We would like to say a special thank you to all those who stayed behind to help with the washing up, cleaning the hall and making the trip to the bottle bank with the empties. All unopened bottles of wine remaining at the end were donated to the Village Hall for Bingo prizes. Christine & Robert Cornish

Shipton Gorge Hall 100 Club

£50 No.90 Ann Jones £20 No.17 Ambrose Smith

£10 No.83 Doreen Rogers £10 No.57 Nesta Symes

£10 No.9 Sylvia Wrigley

Dorset Artsreach Winter Programme

We are pleased to invite you to our next Artsreach show at Shipton Gorge Village Hall, which will be held at 7.30 p.m. on 28th February 2001. Further details will appear in the BVN February edition. Our latest show features an evening of classical music presented by the 'Finzi Trio'. This talented group is part of the 'Live Music' programme organised by the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation for Young Musicians, and consists of very talented instrumentalists making their debut onto the professional stage. The repertoire will consist of music by Schubert, Beethoven and contemporary composers. Tickets from 01308 897547 - Price £4. John Huxtable



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Chilcombe Church




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SWYRE Holy Trinity Swyre

Village Correspondent: Mrs.Gilly Doar

Paddock Lodge Swyre



Carols of Praise

On Sunday January 7th at 3.00 p.m. (not 6.30 p.m.) we shall be having a "one-off" late Christmas/early Epiphany Carols of Praise. We shall use the usual summer Songs of Praise format: 8 carols, chosen by Swyre folk, a reading, a poem, and prayers. This will be followed by a mince pie and a cup of tea. This replaces our usual 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Do come along if you can.


Another baby for Swyre!

Congratulations to Judith and Ian Brazier on the birth of their son Guy, a brother for Thea and Elaine.


Swyre Bowls Club.

The Club for short mat bowls has recently moved and been welcomed by the White Horse Inn, Litton Cheney. We meet each Thursday from 7.30pm in the skittle alley. The club is open to anyone interested in playing. We welcome new members who may just turn up on a Thursday or contact Valerie Martin on 897622. We give free tuition and have spare sets of bowls suitable for ladies and gentlemen. So, if you would like to try your hand and see if you would like it, why not come along?

K. Martin


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Village Correspondent:

Mrs Dorothy Barlow

Collingbourne, Hoopers Lane, Puncknowle

Telephone: (01308) 897761



This is early notification that this Service will take place on Sunday 4th February at 9.30am.




Funeral at Weymouth 17th November Alexandra (Alex) Plunkett

of Mere House, West Bexington

We send to Graham and Alex's family our deepest sympathy on their loss of a most talented, brave, loving and stimulating friend and mother.

Anthony Ashwell



Puncknowle Art Group

The next meeting will be January 5th: the A.G.M. will be held on the 19th. Both meetings will be at The Crown at 10.30am


Just a big thank you, to all who turned up on the 17th November to our bingo evening. We raised nearly £300.00. I would also like to thank the parents and committee who took the time to collect items for the prizes and to those who helped on the night.

The parents and children would like to say a big thank you to the Puncknowle Fundraisers at the Crown. We are very grateful for the recent cheque of £500.00 that they donated to us. Thank you also to the Puncknowle Parish Council who donated a cheque for £25.00.

The winner of the Christmas Quiz will be in next month's Bride Valley News.

Sue Talbot [chair]

The Crown Puncknowle Fundraisers

Race Night will be held on Saturday 17th February 2001 at Portesham Village Hall. Tickets, horses and more information available from The Crown (Tel. 897711). Transport will be available between The Crown and Portesham at extra charge.

Puncknowle Parish Council

It is hoped to commence the Parish Council Meeting on January 2nd with an address from the Electricity Board about the problems and possible improvements to our local supply. Please send us details of any problems you are encountering, preferably in advance. We are being vigilant on your behalf to keep roads and water-courses clear, but please appreciate that there are sometimes greater priorities than ours with this recent spell of bad weather.

Anna Lovell


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St Mary's Litton Cheney LITTON CHENEY


Village Correspondent:

Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close Tel.482384



If you have got to this item in time, may I just remind you that there is a 'Watch-Night' Service at 11.15pm in church, which precedes the ringing-out of the old year and ringing-in of 2001.


Though often held around Christmas, Christingle Services can be held at anytime in the year. Ours for this season is going to be held on the Sunday before Lent (February 25th), and we look forward to this opportunity to support the Children's Society.



This is a farewell to Jenny and Gordon who most suddenly upped and departed to live in Ferndown where Jenny can be more conveniently placed for her work. Gordon told me that his commuting time to Dorchester would not be much greater than when he lived in Litton (the joy of a Porsche).

We extend our sincerest thanks to them both for all the work and wisdom they brought to Church and Community, and wish them every blessing in their brand new home.

(4 Fernlea Gardens, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8HQ. Tel : 01202-870717)

Anthony Ashwell


WELCOME to Carly Mackay at Cross Tree Farm and to Bill and Andrea at Mildred's old cottage in Main Street.

Anthony Ashwell


The first meeting of the New Year will be at Litton Cheney on January 9th at 7.30 p.m. when Barbara Whillock makes a welcome return visit as speaker. A varied programme has been arranged for the year ahead including instruction in calligraphy and pottery as well as outings and a visit from Bridport Mayor, Sandra Brown. New members always receive a warm welcome.

B. Champkins

Litton Cheney Playing Field

The Playing Field Committee invite the young people aged 8-18 years living in the village to come to the Church Hall between 7.30 pm and 8.30 pm on Thursday 18th January to put forward their ideas and suggestions for the playing field. If you are unable to come to the meeting but have ideas and suggestions please contact Paul or Elizabeth Kingston 482384

It has been proposed that the far end of the playing field could be used by the young people with their bicycles. All those involved agree that this is a good idea but an area around the edge of this space on the far side of the ditch must be kept clear for hedge cutting purposes. It's also imperative that the ditch should not be jumped as the banks will soon disintegrate. It is hoped that soon we will be able to fence the near side of the ditch and place tractor tyres at the far corners of this cycle area. The use of cycles at the playing field is expected to take place mainly within this area. It is hoped that the fencing may be undertaken in January, the cost of which will be substantially reduced if it is erected by volunteer helpers. If you have any time to spare and are willing to lend a hand please contact Katharine Jones or Elizabeth Kingston.

The committee always welcome new members and help, ideas and suggestions for the continuing improvement of the playing field. If anyone is interested in sponsoring any part of the development of the playing field please contact Katharine Jones, Townsend Barn, Chalk Pit Lane, Litton Cheney 482589

Caroline Smart has enjoyed her first term at university and has continued to achieve success in the swimming pool. She won the 400m freestyle at the University National Championships in Darlington and is the Southern Counties Champion at the 200m and 400m freestyle and the 200m butterfly. She will be competing in the British National Winter Championships in December.

Juliet and Jane Potter have both been selected to represent the Great Britain Junior Team in the European cross country championships taking place at Malmo, in Sweden. They secured their places by finishing first and third in the Reebok Cross Challenge in November, after having run the two fastest legs in the National Cross Country Relays the week before.

We are sure that many people are aware of the contributions which Gordon and Jenny Jenkins made to church and community life. We wish them every happiness in their new home and welcome the Mackay family to live in Cross Tree House.

Advance Notice - Events in February

Litton Web Group and Litton Cheney Social Committee

On Saturday 10th February the village is invited to view the work of the web group at Thorner's School between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm. Everyone is very welcome, coffee, tea and biscuits will be free.

Concert in aid of Litton Cheney Playing Field

Local clarinettist Walter Brewster will be joined by a local string quartet in a programme of music including Mozart's Clarinet Quintet on Friday 23rd February. The concert will take place in the church at 7.30 pm and wine/soft drinks and light refreshments will be served. Tickets available in advance at £5.00 and £3.00 from Anne Brewster 482593 or Katharine Jones 482589 or Sarah Nobes 482716


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St Peter's Long Bredy LONG BREDY



OUR CHRISTINGLE SERVICE (in aid of the Children's Society) will take place on Sunday 21st January at 9.30am. Please do come along to support the work of this most important charity. Anthony Ashwell


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LITTLEBREDY St Michael & All Angels Littlebredy



A New Year welcome to Christopher Neill and Kim Kingston, with young John and Ryan, who are moving into 2, Yew Tree Cottages in January. It is not a great move from their present home in Longbredy, and we hope their time among us will be happy and fulfilling for them all.

Although written well in advance, this is the time to thank everyone in the village who has contributed to the community's Christmas celebrations. The Church Communion service owed so much, as ever, to Canon Cosmo Pouncey's unfailing sense of occasion, to Judy Yates and her team who provided the decorations, and to all those who attended. Others contributed to festivities elsewhere, all of which is much appreciated. Thank you to all concerned.

The power of the press allows the last word to those who control it, so - unless this is censored out! - this permits your contributor to restate that, mathematically, the new Millennium begins either on Christmas Day 2000, or New Year's Day 2001. This article is accordingly the appropriate moment to wish all residents of Littlebredy, past and present, and everyone with any connection with the village, a very happy and prosperous New Year ... Decade ... Century ... Millennium ... May 2001 bring with it whatever is best for us all.

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Thought for the Month


Helpful hints for the New Year


If you are depressed, read the

Twenty-seventh Psalm.

If your pocket-book is empty, read the

Thirty-seventh Psalm.

If you are losing confidence in people, read the

Thirteenth Chapter of First Corinthians.

If people seem unkind, read the

Fifteenth Chapter of St. John.

If you are discouraged about your work, read the

Hundred and Twenty - sixth Psalm.

If you find the world growing small, and yourself great,read the

Nine- teenth Psalm.

If you cannot have your own way in everything, keep silent, and read the

Third Chapter of St. James.

If you are all out of sorts, read the

Twelfth Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

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Many, many thanks once again to Ken Pett who came to the Editors' rescue when their printer broke down on publication day. Any mistakes, for which they apologise, are entirely due to S.P. having to learn to use a new programme in the space of a couple of hours!


Editors: John & Susan Paul Windy Gap Shipton Lane Burton Bradstock DT6 4NQ