Burton Bradstock Village Plan

Open event in the Village Hall

Saturday 29 January 10.00 - 16.00


Everyone from the parish is invited to come along and help create a picture of how life is in the parish now and to begin to identify key issues that need to be addressed in the future.

Key questions to be addressed include:  how to improve the health and well being of parishioners? How to safeguard the environment? And how to increase the prosperity and sustainability of local businesses?

The event will be informal so people are free to drop in for two minutes or two hours to see displays and information about the village as it is today".  A wide range of organisations and agencies will be in attendance and providing information including the local Primary Care Trust, Heritage Coast team, Environment Agency and many more.

It is all part of a process that will culminate in a Burton Bradstock Parish Plan that it is hoped will be adopted by the West Dorset District Council and help guide future development and resource allocation. A questionnaire has already been circulated via the BVN to gauge what people see as the key issues and the event will provide a further opportunity to register views and opinions about what is important to address now if the future of the village is going to be good for people, the environment and local prosperity. 

Elise Ripley, Parish Councillor and chair of the working group is organising the day. 01308 897010