Pattern of Services at St. Mary's & Chilcombe The Church of St Mary Burton Bradstoch by G Haybittle '82

1st Sunday in the month
8.00 Holy Communion (Traditional Order, said)
09.30 Family Service

11.00 Matins

6.30 Evensong
2nd Sunday in the month
09.30 Family Service
11.00 Parish Communion (Modern Order)
6.30 Evensong
3rd Sunday in the month
8.00 Holy Communion (Traditional Order,said)
09.30 Family Service
11.00 Matins
6.30 Evensong
4th Sunday in the month
09.30 Family Service
11.00 Parish Communion (Modern Order)
6.30 Evensong
5th Sunday in the month

8.00 Holy Communion (Traditional Order, said)

11.00 United Family Service at one of the churches in the Bride Valley

Other Services include:

House Groups

These include the Bride Valley as a whole. They meet on alternate Wednesdays to study a book from the Scriptures or to discuss Christian issues relevant to today.

Lent Course - Each year there is a Lent Course run by either the Rector or the Vicar, and designed to promote thought and discussion during the period of Lent.