Bride Valley Branch








Secretary: Jim Reeves
01308 897091
Chairman: Ray West











History of our Branch


We are delighted that you have decided to look at our web page. As you scan through the remainder of our pages you will find our principle activates in support of those who have served our country and there dependants, as well as seeing that we enjoy ourselves at social activities in various venues through out the Bride Valley

We are the Bride Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion and we are always on the lookout to ensure that ex-service people or their dependents in our area are not in need of help. You can help us by bringing to our attention people who are in need of help or advice and who have been in the forces.

Maybe after looking through these pages you may like to find out more about us, so why not come along to one of our social events that are listed on the notice boards situated outside the Reading room and Manor Cottage. You will be most welcome.

Membership of the Legion is available for all individuals over the age of 16 years and who agree with the aims and objects of the Legion.  Apply to the secretary for further details.




Poppy Appeal
















Useful Links



